Today is 5th February 6:12 pm. And I havent slept well yesterday because I was preparing some report for the meeting today.The meeting was over before we knew it because all my attention was to the feast being prepared in the kitchen today. Lousy bastards why was the kitchen so damn near to the confernance room. I could smell and guess what the cook was cooking. Anyway the meeting was over and my bladder was about to blast from the 1 liter of water I drank earlier. Holding your piss is a torture. I unloaded it and returned happily like a child and got in the que.
There was boiled eggs and beef steamed with spinach (I felt like Popeye) and a dal and a mixed salad. Damn I was hungry I always wait eagerly for this day for the entire month. Did I tell you that this meeting takes place once in every month and we have to submit some progress report and stuff. Anyway the real story starts now it is about work:).So it was yesterday when some bunch of officers including me collected some sample for testing in the lab.It was decided that we would do the test today after the meeting. I reached the lab by 3:30 pm and I was happy and did some friendly chat with other guys. Then I went to check the samples and lo the sample was changed and it wasnot which we collected together.
Anyway whatever you might call it a tiring day / stress but I like to say some Chinese Mao Zhing Hitler Bin Laden devil got inside me and I gave him such a mouth thrashing.I am a very peace loving and mind your own business person. I vouch on that but that was something which I call a professional fraud. That dude was an old man some 50 years older than me and far experienced and better qualified than me.He was about to cry and he was giving his resignation. Then the god inside me awoke up and I said some shit to pacify him.And after 30 mins we were all laughing and talking and all that shit. I feel sorry for that guy anyway lets hope this thing happens again.